The World According to ChickLitGurrl™

Where the WORD is IT :: Editorial/Writing Assistance offered by author, editor, educator Shōn Bacon

CLG Is Interviewed! March 14, 2009

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Jessica Ferguson, author and president of the Bayou Writers’ Group in Lake Charles, Louisiana, interviews me on her blog Praise, Prayers and Observations as part of her “Louisiana Saturday Night” series!

In the interview, I talk about editing, writing, coaching, critique groups, branding, and MORE.

Check it out – [link] – LEAVE COMMENTS!


YA Author Coe Booth Talks to ChickLitGurrl December 15, 2008

ChickLitGurrl Talks to young adult author Coe Booth about her latest novel, KENDRA!


CLG: Both KENDRA and your debut novel, TYRELL are young adult novels – what initiated your desire to write novels for teens [and for those who love a good read]?

CB: I’ve always wanted to write for teens. Even when I was writing my little pretend “novels” in elementary school, the main characters were always teenagers. The teen years have always held a special place for me. I guess it’s because there’s so much going on then, so many important decisions and so many heightened emotions. I find it very exciting to write about teens because they go through so many experiences, and often for the first time.

CLG: You’re walking down the street and you feel like a million bucks – what song plays in the background?

CB: “Single Ladies” by Beyoncé. That song always makes me laugh!

CLG: Many people believe that good writers are also voracious readers. What are three of your favorite books, and why do they make the list?

CB: My favorite books are THEIR EYES WERE WATCHING GOD by Zora Neale Hurston, THE SOUND AND THE FURY by William Faulkner, and OF MICE AND MEN by John Steinbeck. I love books with real characters and authentic dialogue, and in all three of these books the characters are unforgettable and the dialogue just jumps off the page. These books are REAL!

Check out the rest of Coe Booth’s interview @ ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING!

ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING

Chocolate-caramel lattes + Women writers = ONE GREAT TIME!


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Guess Who’s Been Interviewed? November 30, 2008

Yep, you got it: MOI! 🙂

My currently publisher, LADY LEO PUBLISHING, is showcasing an interview with me! Below is an excerpt.

LLP: How do you come up with your characters?
SB: Pieces of my characters come from me. Typically, something happens in my world or the world of someone I love that sticks with me, that picks with me, and I have to write that situation out. When that happens, I take pieces of me that are connected with that situation and start the process of developing the main character. From there, I branch out and develop those characters that are necessary to get through that story. Many times, pieces of loved ones (and not so loved ones) are used to develop these characters.

LLP: Are the characters based on real life situations?
SB: Sometimes, yes. I’ve never written a 100% real story; however, many of my characters are composites of people I know, and many of the situations are snatches from real life situations.

LLP: What excites you most about being a writer?
SB: The spinning of a new story. When I get a new idea, nothing excites me more. I can barely sleep, and my biggest concern is outlining the story so that I can jump in and play with my characters.

To read the rest of the interview, be sure to head to [Lady Leo Publishing] now!


ChickLitGurrl Talks with YA Author Diana Rodriguez Wallach October 20, 2008

ChickLitGurrl Talks to young adult author Diana Rodriguez Wallach about her debut novel, AMOR AND SUMMER SECRETS!


CLG: YA is huge – there are so many books on the market that feature girls having to spend what’s to be their best summer away from home in a different place. There are a slew of books about best friends, new friends, and love – how do you make your series UNIQUE? How does it stand out from the pack?

DRW: I didn’t set out to write a “fish out of water” story. My goal for Amor and Summer Secrets was to offer a modern-day look at the reality facing many American teenagers who are torn between two ethnic groups. It doesn’t matter whether your half Polish and half Puerto Rican, or half Filipino and half Russian, people can relate to what Mariana is feeling.

But in terms of uniqueness, the novel also brings to light many secrets that would have stayed hidden in Puerto Rico had Mariana not taken that trip. It opens Mariana’s eyes to a side of her family she didn’t know existed, and I think many teens can relate to being kept in the dark about unpleasant family histories. Trust me, I know. I was the youngest. I practically lived in a bubble.

CLG: Do you think the multiculturalism is an aspect that helps to illustrate the series uniqueness?

DRW: Absolutely. I think it’s becoming rare to find many American kids who are 100% affiliated with just one ethnic group. And I find that many people, including myself, connect more to the culture that they “physically” resemble.

For much of my life, I had a hard time connecting to my Puerto Rican roots because I didn’t fit the stereotype. My picture’s posted here, take a look. Would you look at me and think “Puerto Rican”? But as I grew older, I chose to seek out those connections. I studied Spanish in school, took a semester abroad in Madrid, and visited my family in Utuado.

So I purposely sent Mariana on a journey that it took me much longer to take. After all, Mariana’s a smart cookie, I knew she could handle it.

Check out the rest of Diana Rodriguez Wallach’s interview @ ChickLitGurrl:  high on LATTES & WRITING!

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Chocolate-caramel lattes + Women writers = ONE GREAT TIME!

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ChickLitGurrl Talks CELEBRITY SKIN with Author Liane Bonin September 22, 2008

ChickLitGurrl Talks CELEBRITY SKIN with Author Liane Bonin!

Liane Bonin has written thousands of articles for publications such as People, Teen, Mademoiselle, and Entertainment Weekly, and today @ ChickLitGurrl: High on LATTES & WRITING, she talks to CLG about her debut novel, CELEBRITY SKIN.

Nowadays, Taylor Christensen is gorgeous, rich, and one of the biggest stars around, but the day Erin Kim met her, Taylor was on the middle school D-list, with the headgear to prove it. Erin, under her own stress from her traditional Koreanborn parents who don’t want her to change, was there for Taylor when she needed a friend way back when, and she was there for her when the braces came off and the whole world noticed.

Sure, Taylor had the “it” Hollywood was looking for, but someone had to help her deal with the ups and downs of superstardom. Erin didn’t mind-especially since it helped her get her mind off some tough problems at home. Through it all, Erin was Taylor’s one true friend. But as Erin watches her best friend self-destruct, she knows that telling Taylor the truth about what she’s become could end their friendship once and for all.

Interview Excerpt

CLG: Since the release of CELEBRITY SKIN, have you had any celebrities wonder if you’re writing about them within the pages of your fiction?

LB: No one’s asked me directly , but when I do interview celebrities, I don’t mention the book, and they don’t, either. I think we’re all operating on a don’t ask-don’t tell policy! I think it could be pretty awkward for all involved.

CLG: What is one of the overall goals you have in developing this series?

LB: Everyone who reads Us Weekly or TMZ thinks they know all the dirt on Hollywood, but that’s really just the surface. I wanted to show people why celebrities go spinning out of control, and shine a spotlight on not just the glam our, but the challenges, too.

To learn more about Liane and CELEBRITY SKIN, head over to CHICKLITGURRL: high on LATTES & WRITING!

ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING
Chocolate-caramel lattes + Women writers = ONE GREAT TIME!

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ChickLitGurrl Spotlights YA Author Debbie Reed Fischer! September 16, 2008

ChickLitGurrl Spotlights YA Author Debbie Reed Fischer!

This month, Fischer celebrates the release of her second novel, SWIMMING WITH THE SHARKS!

“Blubber for the 21st century. Debbie Reed Fischer’s sizzling take on girl hazing and cheer pressure mixes the perfect ratio of humor to anger for a compelling, un-put-downable read.” – Alex Flinn, award winning author of Beastly

Meet Peyton Grady: self-declared president of The Neverhadaboyfriend Club, six feet tall, “freckled and flat as a skateboard,” on financial aid, with only her best friend Maya to rely on. Until now, she hasn’t exactly been the poster child for popularity at her posh private high school, Beachwood Prep. But everything is about to change, because this year, Peyton has a coveted spot on the varsity cheerleading squad. Now she’ll finally have a shot at the life she’s always wanted, complete with membership in the Alpha Clique, the boyfriend of her dreams, and “no more standing on the social sidelines.” But treasured goals never come easy.

When the principal, Dr. Johnson, appoints new student Ellika Grosset, a “squatty stump of a girl” with zero athletic ability as the squad’s newest member, things get complicated. Peyton and the rest of the squad are outraged that this girl has been forced upon them, simply because her parents donated millions for a new athletic facility.

None are more furious than the queen fly girl herself, charismatic and powerful squad captain, Lexie Court. Ordering Peyton and her team mates to “take initiation rituals to the next level,” Lexie hatches Operation Smellika, a bullying campaign to drive Ellika out. “Do whatever it takes,” she tells them. “It’s for the good of the squad.”

Peyton knows it’s wrong. Horrible, even. She feels sorry for Ellika. But in the end, Peyton participates along with the others. Torn by her conscience, yet seduced by the chance to have everything she wants, she gets further and further involved in Lexie’s sick hazing plan.

Until it goes too far.

Peyton knows she has to stop Lexie.

But how?

Interview Excerpt

Fill in the blank: “I wrote SWIMMING WITH THE SHARKS BECAUSE.. a few years ago, I was watching this news story about a powder puff football incident in a wealthy suburb of Chicago. Privileged girls ganged up on each other in a brutal melee, while 200 high school spectators cheered them on. They strangled each other with pig intestines, threw buckets of animal waste on each other and wound up in the hospital with broken bones. I thought to myself, ‘Why are these young women so angry that they have to inflict that kind of humiliation and brutality on each other? These are wealthy kids from beautiful homes; what is bubbling under the surface?” The next thought that occurred to me after watching the footage was, “Which one is the ring leader? And why did the others go along with it? There must have been kids that knew it was wrong but went along with it anyway.” And that’s how my character Peyton was born. I started researching other hazing incidents and I was shocked by how widespread it is, and how private schools often manage to keep it under wraps. The whole idea of someone being a hateful bully has always baffled me.  Mob mentality has always baffled me.”

To learn more about Debbie, her books, writing, and inspiration, head over to CHICKLITGURRL: high on LATTES & WRITING!

ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING

Chocolate-caramel lattes + Women writers = ONE GREAT TIME!

[chicklitgurrl. blogspot. com]

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ChickLitGurrl Interviews Strebor Books Author Shelley Halima August 4, 2008

Today, over at ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING, I’m interviewing Shelley Halima, author of BLINDING MIRROR.

Check out an excerpt of the interview!


CLG: Talk to us about the writing process for BLINDING MIRROR. Was it a fast write? Was it more difficult than your previous two novels? Did the darkness of the material slow the writing process?

SH: Blinding Mirror was definitely a more difficult write than the first two novels. I’m very familiar with the cultures represented in AM and LM but with Blinding Mirror, I had the challenge to writing about some cultures and lifestyles of which I knew nothing of and to do so in a convincing fashion. The darkness of the character Olivia didn’t slow the process at all. In fact it was a great spark. Just as some actors find it more appealing and more of a challenge to portray dark characters, I as a writer felt the same way about writing the dark character.

CLG: How has your work in screenwriting and movies influenced your novel writing — or has it?

SH: Really I think my novel writing influenced the screenwriting. With some great advice from a couple of actors I learned to bring certain subtleties into play in the screenplay. I had to learn to not SAY but to SHOW through actions and imagery as I did in my novel writing.

CLG: You’re going on vacation, and you’re only allowed to take three books with you — what are they, and why these three?

SH: It by Stephen King, Jubilee by Margaret Walker and Dark Rivers of the Heart by Dean R. Koontz. These are probably my top books of all time. It because it frightened me so with the improbable, Jubilee because I felt like I was transported back in time and could feel the pain and joy of those who were enslaved and then set free, and Dark Rivers because even though it was fiction it was chilling in its truth in how things are going on right now. All I can say is Patriot Act.

Want to read the rest of the interview? Then head over to ChickLitGurrl NOW (LINK)!


CLG Interviews Strebor Author Marsha Jenkins-Sanders July 28, 2008

Today, over at ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING, I’m interviewing Marsha Jenkins-Sanders, author of JEALOUSY.

Check out an excerpt of the interview!


CLG: What themes, topics will readers find between the pages of JEALOUSY?
MJS: Jealousy is a volatile and destructive emotion, if left unchecked. It has been the driving force behind many homicides, abusive relationships, etc. The book can help shine a light on several topics: domestic abuse, child abuse, relationship issues, and insecurity.

CLG: Marsha Jenkins-Sanders: THE SOUNDTRACK! What TWO tracks would make it onto a soundtrack of your life, and why?
MJS: Never would have made it…Marvin Sapp, The Battle is not yours…Yolanda Adams! My life has been a roller coaster ride and my faith has been tested. God has seen me through many battles and brought me out of the “fiery furnace” unscathed. I am a better person because of these challenges, but never would have made it without HIS guidance, mercy, grace and love.

CLG: Who is ONE of your favorite writers, and how does he/she inspire you as a writer?
MJS: I really enjoy Terry McMillan. Her “voice” is so familiar and my life’s circumstances can relate.

Want to read the rest of the interview? Then head over to ChickLitGurrl NOW (LINK)!


CLG Interviews Urban Christian Author Brittney Holmes July 24, 2008

Today, over at ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING, I’m interviewing Brittney Holmes, author of TESTING RELATIONSHIPS.

I am VERY pleased to be interviewing Brittney. In a world where there are so many youth who are not going down the right paths, Brittney Holmes is a walking testament to good parenting, good teaching, and good walk in faith.

Check out an excerpt of the interview!


CLG: You wrote LIVING CONSEQUENCES at the age of 16; what propelled you at this young age to write a novel?
BH: Actually, I wrote Living Consequences when I was 14 and a freshman in high school. The book was actually published when I was 16. I was divinely inspired to write the book because before I physically sat down before my computer and began typing, I had no preconceived idea to write a book. I had planned on writing a journal for my own personal use and the story turned into something I had no intentions of creating. It was apparent that God had placed the story of Living Consequences in me so that I can share it and its message with the world.

CLG: Brittney Holmes: THE SOUNDTRACK! What three tracks would make it onto a soundtrack of your life, and why?
BH: Never Would Have Made It by Marvin Sapp would definitely make it onto the soundtrack because without God, I wouldn’t be here nor would I be able to get through any of life’s obstacles. Fantasia’s I Believe would also make the cut because it talks about reaching your highest potential and believing in what you can become. And finally, just because it’s my favorite song in the whole world, Ribbon in the Sky by Stevie Wonder would probably be on the soundtrack to illustrate my relationship with whatever man God has created for me.

CLG: Who are some of your favorite writers, and how do they inspire you as a writer?
BH: Of course, Kendra Norman-Bellamy, my mother, is one of my favorite writers. She inspires me the most because she took her lifelong passion and favorite pastime and made it into a career that has been more successful than most because she decided to put her faith in God and do what He has called her to do. Victoria Christopher Murray is also a favorite of mine because she is a phenomenal writer and doesn’t mind taking risks in creating her stories and she has taught me that there’s nothing wrong with me doing the same. Jacqueline Thomas and Tia McCollors are also authors who create realistic stories that inspire me to tap deeper into my own creativity when writing.

Want to read the rest of the interview? Then head over to ChickLitGurrl NOW (LINK)!


CLG interviews Urban Christian author Sharon Oliver today! July 21, 2008

Today, over at ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING, I’m interviewing Sharon Oliver, author of KEEP YOUR ENEMIES CLOSER.

Check out an excerpt of the interview!


CLG: What have you done or what do you plan to do – as author – to promote KEEP YOUR ENEMIES CLOSER?

SO: I’ve scheduled book signings, advertised in magazines, mailed and passed out brochures, sent email blasts and participated in online interviews.

CLG: Why do you feel compelled to write fiction that integrates Christian values?

SO: A fellow Urban Christian author summed up Christian fiction and there is one key point I’d like to borrow from her to answer that question. That is, it is a ministry I feel God has given me a heart for. I don’t have a desire to write erotica, horror, etc. So far, I’ve not been given any ideas for writing romance either and romance novels are the norm these days. I’ve always enjoyed mystery/suspense books as well as humorous novels. With that said, I’d like to reach that like-minded audience and add Jesus to the mix. Nothing too heavy, but enlightening, creating and/or keeping a thirst for God.

CLG: Sharon Oliver: THE SOUNDTRACK! What three tracks would make it onto a soundtrack of your life, and why?

SO: FENCEWALK, by a 70’s group named Mandrill just for the old school jam; Richard Smallwood’s, ANTHEM OF PRAISE for the uplifting and setting the tone and Marvin Sapp’s, NEVER WOULD HAVE MADE IT because…I mean, come on.

Want to read the rest of the interview? Then head over to ChickLitGurrl NOW (LINK)!