The World According to ChickLitGurrl™

Where the WORD is IT :: Editorial/Writing Assistance offered by author, editor, educator Shōn Bacon

Unlocking the Diary of Author Nikki Urban: Interview March 22, 2009

Filed under: Author Interviews,chicklitgurrl,Shon Bacon — Shon @ 12:52 pm

Unlocking the Diary of Author Nikki Urban

About Jade’s Diary:

Jade’s Diary is a tale of a dead woman’s diary that is left to her daughter Mikleah. As Mikleah reads her mother’s diary, she turns the pages of her mother’s secret life that includes sex, lust, lies, betrayal, and vengeance.

Mikleah learns from her mother’s diary of the father she never knew and of a long lost sibling. Jade’s daughter also learns she has been having an incestuous relationship with the sister that she never knew and learns to what extent her mother would go through to get what she wanted-her lover’s wife.

The diary exposes the many secrets of Jade’s lovers, which leads to death and imprisonment.


CLG: You walk into a movie theater and there’s a movie poster for JADE’S DIARY: SEX, LIES, LUST, BETRAYAL, VENGEANCE. What’s the logline?

NU: Unlock the Diary! What are your secrets? Remember, all secrets have consequences…

CLG: NIKKI URBAN: THE SOUNDTRACK. What are three tracks that would HAVE to make it onto the soundtrack of your life?

NU: There are so many songs that I could name to describe my life and who I am. But, if I had to have the ultimate soundtrack of my life the three tracks that I would choose would be: 1) I’m Every Woman by Chaka Khan because I am that every woman. I can do all things. 2) Tender Roni by Bobby Brown because once you meet me, you will never forget me, and I always make my father feel proud. 3) Hustlin’ by Rick Ross because I’m always hustling until I make it to where I want to be.

CLG: You are publishing JADE’S DIARY through Diamond Stone Productions. Talk to us about your role as a publisher; what have been some major things you’ve learned?

NU: My husband and I started DiamondStone Productions because I was not getting picked up by any traditional black publishers. In the process of starting Diamondstone Productions, I have learned that as publisher you must be a good negotiator and you must be involved in every aspect of the book process(writing, editing, book design, etc.). In addition, you should always have an abundance of books on hand and various outlets where your book can be sold at. Lastly, have a good accounting program on your computer and have a good marketing strategy. A good marketing strategy is key to the success of your book and publishing company. Once your publishing company is out there, vendors, readers, and other wholesalers will be more willing to take a chance with you. Reputation is key!

Check out the rest of Nikki Urban’s interview @ ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING!

ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING
Chocolate-caramel lattes + Women writers = ONE GREAT TIME!

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CLG Talks with Freelance Writer & Blogger Mary Davis March 15, 2009

Filed under: chicklitgurrl — Shon @ 9:09 am

ChickLitGurrl Talks with Freelance Writer & Blogger Mary Davis


CLG: I am a fan of your blog, Adventures in Freelancing [link]. On your blog, you state, “Join me in my journey to a freelance career. Let’s learn something together!” What sparked you to start your journey into freelancing?

MD: Thank you so much! I worked as an academic adviser at the local community college, and I really loved my job, but I was living a crazy-paced life and felt that I wasn’t giving my family sufficient time and attention. So when I found out that I was pregnant with my third child, I made the decision to leave my job and try to earn an income from writing. I’d done lots of reading on the subject and knew that it was possible.

CLG: Are there particular fields/subjects you’re developing your freelance career around? If so, what are they, and why do they interest you?
MD: Yes, I made the decision to write about topics with which I’m familiar. As a mom of three young children, my quality writing time is limited, so I’ve found it more convenient to begin my career focusing on areas I know. I write primarily about issues affecting college students, health, beauty, and personal development. As my children become more independent, I hope to become more of a generalist because I love learning about new things and enjoy the researching and interviewing involved in freelance writing.

CLG: What opportunities have you taken part in since starting your career?
MD: I jumped right into the blogging world because it was a way to practice my writing and to force myself to write on a regular basis. Putting your writing out there can be very intimidating to someone just starting out, and blogging is a great outlet to get your feet wet. I began practicing my interviewing skills by talking to people I met through social media, and through those contacts, I’ve obtained some paid blogging positions. I’ve also begun querying online and print publications for college students. These are writing avenues that fit well into my lifestyle.

Check out the rest of Mary Davis’ interview @ ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING!

ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING
Chocolate-caramel lattes + Women writers = ONE GREAT TIME!

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The Ultimate Yes Yes with Author Tamika Newhouse March 11, 2009

Filed under: Author Interviews,chicklitgurrl — Shon @ 7:53 am

The Ultimate Yes Yes with Author Tamika Newhouse

About The Ultimate No No:

Are you a woman who has been hurt by a man and wonder what it would be like if you could give him a dose of his own medicine?

Well, the characters in The Ultimate No, No give you the opportunity to live vicariously through their lives and the events that transpired during The Scam Nitrah a teacher is drawn between her friends and a man named Troyon, when her friends ask her to do the unthinkable. That’s get revenge on a man through his heart. Things go as planned until Troyon and Nitrah find themselves infatuated with each other. What happens to this relationship that was doomed from the beginning when the lies, sex, and deceit come to the surface?

On the other hand there’s Dahlia, Nitrah’s best friends and the master mind behind the plan to break Troyon’s heart. Her secrets will come back to haunt her as her world comes crashing down. She thinks this is the perfect plan to hurt the man who broke her heart, but then again she could be right. Find out what happens when the person Dahlia keeps close eyes on turns out to be her worst enemy and it want be who you think it is.
In this romantic tale you will witness a sisterly bond, a passion to be loved, and the yearn to be with the one you love. Learn what The Ultimate No No is when it comes to love.


CLG: What are three adjectives that best describe THE ULTIMATE NO NO?
TN: Love, revenge, deceit

CLG: What are three adjectives that best describe YOU?
TN: Day Dreamer, enthusiastic, determined

CLG: Do you have a standard process to your writing? Are you a plotter or a pantser?
TN: I first have to know the concept and storyline that I want, and I usually have the timeline of the story the same day. I usual plot but abandon most of that when I start writing because I usual go another way with the stories.

Check out the rest of Tamika Newhouse’s interview @ ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING!

ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING
Chocolate-caramel lattes + Women writers = ONE GREAT TIME!

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Get Lost in Author Sandy Lo and Her Debut Novel, LOST IN YOU February 27, 2009

Filed under: Author Interviews,chicklitgurrl,Shon Bacon — Shon @ 1:33 pm

Get Lost in Author Sandy Lo and Her Debut Novel, LOST IN YOU: Interview

About Lost in You:

Cooper Jackson is a twenty-five year old woman, who shuts down in relationships. Burdened by her mother’s failed love life and her untimely death, Cooper won’t allow her heart to get broken, or stolen, either. A chance meeting with a famous singer, Ryan Latham could change Cooper forever. She finds herself wanting to give her heart to Ryan…one problem: he’s engaged. To divert her attention, Cooper throws herself into a relationship with Ryan’s best friend, JT, a man just as unstable as she is. Lost In You is a coming of age love story for a slightly older generation; it’s about finding yourself, overcoming your past, and building a future.


CLG: You’re strutting down the street – sexy, happy, and confident – what song is playing in your mind?
SL: “These Boots Are Made For Walking” by Jessica Simpson

CLG: Do you have a standard process to your writing? Are you a plotter or a pantser?
SL: I’m definitely more of a pantser. I could get the smallest idea for a story and just go with it. I’ll admit, it’s not very conventional or easy at times, but it works best for me. I have tried outlining and by the time I’m finished outlining everything, I either wind up straying from the plan anyway or get bored with the storyline altogether.

CLG: What are you doing to promote and market LOST IN YOU?
SL: I have been doing interviews with various newspapers, websites and magazines. I’ve also been promoting myself on Facebook and MySpace as well as setting up fan chats. In April, I will be doing a book signing at Barnes & Noble in my hometown of Staten Island, NY, so I’m really excited about that. Word of mouth has been very helpful thanks to my friends and family who have been spreading the word. Also, running my own magazine helps since celebrities have been nice enough to take pictures with LOST IN YOU.

Check out the rest of Sandy Lo’s interview @ ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING!

ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING
Chocolate-caramel lattes + Women writers = ONE GREAT TIME!

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CLG Talks with Indie Publisher/Author Barbara Joe Williams February 22, 2009

ChickLitGurrl Talks to indie publisher/author Barbara Joe Williams!


CLG: If you had to define yourself as a writer, how would you do so?

BJW: I would define myself as a passionate writer. In other words, I only write about the things that I feel passionately about whether it’s fiction or nonfiction.

CLG: How do the books you’ve written connect to your definition?

BJW: All of my books feature strong willed characters who are determined to succeed in life. I write about people falling in love, dealing with hardships, and going through life changing experiences in a positive manner. I show people with a thirst for living and a passion for overcoming whatever obstacles they face.

CLG: How have you promoted your works?

BJW: I’ve tried many avenues for promoting my work nationally by using the Internet and traveling to different cities. I’ve joined many online book clubs and networking groups. In addition, I conduct writing, publishing, and marketing workshops at various conferences, libraries, and universities. I’ve been interviewed on the radio, newspaper, and television. Recently, I started a local authors network, and I’m the annual host for the Local African-American Authors Day program in February. All of these avenues give me exposure and promote my work.

Check out the rest of Barbara Joe Williams’ interview @ ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING!

ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING

Chocolate-caramel lattes + Women writers = ONE GREAT TIME!


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Movies, YouTube, & Screenwriting w/ YouTube Sensation, ScriptGirl February 15, 2009

Filed under: chicklitgurrl — Shon @ 9:00 pm
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ChickLitGurrl:  high on LATTES & WRITING has a new look and a new interview!

Come hang out and read my latest interview with YouTube sensation, ScriptGirl – who talks about screenwriting, movies, and more!

Check out the excerpt below!

CLG:  Now that you are a YouTube celebrity, are you planning to use your ScriptGirl image to benefit your career, and if so, how?
SG:  Well it’s odd. A lot of opportunities have come my way due to ScriptGirl, but they don’t necessarily jibe with my career goals as a screenwriter. I’ve been offered some TV hosting gigs and those folks could not care less about some brilliant rom-com I have in my car. Likewise, the producers I meet with aren’t the least bit impressed by my Internet alter ego. In fact, I think it may actually diminish my credibility.  Well, that and the fact that I tend to show up at meetings late, inebriated, and wildly belligerent! (laughs maniacally)

CLG:  What are three pieces of advice you would offer to those wanting to break into screenwriting?
SG:  Make friends with rejection. The numbers are always going to be against you. That’s a fact, Jack.

Optimize all opportunities, big and small. Actually, just assume they’re all big.

Write from your heart. But get a good agent or manager to handle your business. Financially raping writers is a sport to producers. Like golf or polo.

Head to ChickLitGurrl:  High on Lattes & Writing now to read the rest of ScriptGirl’s interview!

About CLG:  Since 2005, ChickLitGurrl has been a place to talk to women writers about writing, craft, inspiration, and anything and everything else that falls into being a female writer. Nearly 70 women writers have been interviewed, to include Carly Phillips, Bernice McFadden, Lauren Baratz-Logsted, Mary Castillo, Jennifer Banash, and Paula Chase-Hyman. In ’09, CLG branches out to include ALL women of words – scriptwriters, freelance writers, novelists, essayists, memoirists, and more! In addition to the interviews, you’ll also find information on writing-related news and tips.


The Write Life for You Series Presents… Showing vs. Telling February 2, 2009

Becoming a Lifelong Learner of the Craft of Writing

By author, editor, educator Shon Bacon aka ChickLitGurrl™

The Write Life for You is a series of articles on the writing craft.  Past articles have focused on building character, developing a solid plot, and harnessing a writing style.  This month, I look at SHOWING VS. TELLING IN STORIES.

Here’s an excerpt:

Showing vs. Telling

This month, I’m talking about camping vs. marching.  Before I pursued my MFA degree, I knew nothing about this “concept”.

Last month, I talked about camping vs. marching.  At first glance, showing vs. telling seems like the same concept, but there is a difference.  Both concepts examine how much a writer writes in a story; however, camping vs. marching tends to look at the development of scenes and their connection to the story’s purpose while showing vs. telling looks at the visualization of the things the writer writes in a story.

For example, if a writer has a scene that lulls and doesn’t connect to the story’s purpose, then the writer should cut and march through the scene, develop the scene so that it connects to the story’s purpose, or delete it altogether.  This is camping vs. marching.

For example, if a writer summarizes action or tells the reader that a character is happy or sad, then the writer should revise the material to show the reader a character’s emotion or show the reader the action as it’s happening.  This is showing vs. telling.

Want to learn MORE about showing vs. telling?

Then head to APOOOBOOKS.COM to read my latest article in The Write Life for You series!

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Want to FINALLY Write That Novel? January 16, 2009

Filed under: chicklitgurrl,craft,Shon Bacon — Shon @ 8:38 pm
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Every year presents people with a set of new resolutions. Is one of yours to write a novel? Do you have an idea for a story? Have you been visualizing the story and can literally see and hear your characters? Are you unsure where to go now that you have this idea?

Because of this seemingly Herculean task, would-be writers put their literary dreams on the backburner, promising to return to them once they have time.

Well, guess what? Things will always arise that will keep you from pursuing your dreams.

Because of this, the time is NOW, and the literary dream you hold onto can be envisioned within four weeks with WRITERS BOOT CAMP.

What is Writers Boot Camp?

It’s a four-week, intensive program in which you’ll work one-on-one with author, editor, educator, everywoman Shōn Bacon to develop your story idea into an outline and get you geared up to finally sit and WRITE.

What does Writers Boot Camp entail?

  • Four weekly exercises on topics such as story description, plotting, scene visualization, and scene outlining; each exercise will be read and critiqued by Shōn.
  • Opportunity to talk with Shōn via e-mail or Yahoo IM to discuss assignments and strategy for story development.
  • A bonus fifth week in which you, with Shōn’s assistance, will plan your writing in order to finally get a FIRST DRAFT COMPLETED!

How much does Writers Boot Camp cost?

For four weeks’ worth of one-on-one consultation to get you on your way to pursuing your literary dream (plus a bonus week), you pay only $100!

How can YOU purchase Writers Boot Camp?

You can order via PayPal (link) and start Writers Boot Camp IMMEDIATELY!

Want more information?

E-mail Shōn to learn more today!

About Shōn Bacon

Shōn Bacon is an author, editor, and educator.

As an author, she has published both in the creative and academic arenas.

As an editor, through her ChickLitGurrl™ brand name, Shōn edits manuscripts for individual clients and small publishing houses.

As an educator, Shōn is an English Specialist and mass communication visiting lecturer at McNeese State University in Louisiana. There, she teaches freshman composition, writing for radio/TV, introduction to mass communication, and media writing. In 2005, 2006, and 2007, she contributed and co-edited three academic textbooks that are currently being used as the official textbooks for freshman composition at the university. Occasionally, she teaches fiction writing and fiction workshop through the university’s continuing education department. As a devoted helper of those pursuing creative endeavors, Shōn also writes columns on the writing craft for several online outlets.


ChickLitGurrl talks with The MPire Trilogy Author T.L. James January 15, 2009

Filed under: Author Interviews,chicklitgurrl — Shon @ 1:59 pm

This month, ChickLitGurrl talks with T.L. James, author of the fabulous The MPire Trilogy!


CLG: How did you grow as a writer during the writing of THE MPIRE: DEATH COMETH?
TLJ: Writing from a male’s perspective was really a growing pain. To actually get in touch with the testosterone while writing is a stretch. My other growing pain was to write against how I believe. Some of my views and the views and positions that my characters take are extremely different. However, I felt that it was very important to my project my voice in the characters and let them speak for themselves.

CLG: If you were asked to describe your writing philosophy, how would you answer?
TLJ: Free writing and an analytical balance. I used a spreadsheet to “create” my timeline. I added historical events, both real and fictitious. Once I had my scaffold completed, I started free writing, allowing the characters to talk, act, react and acted-up.

CLG: What are you doing or planning to do to promote THE MPIRE: DEATH COMETH?
TLJ: I have teamed up with a wonderful publicist, Dana Pittman, to map out promotions strategy. My most important goal is to get my books into reader’s hands and that does not always mean in book stores. I participate in literary events at Art shows, Wine shows, Beauty shows – anywhere were people are present and buying. I have a website ( that gives information about me and my books, as well as other projects. I have a blog ( where I share my secrets about writing, new authors’ reviews, and other thoughts.

Check out the rest of T.L. James’ interview @ ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING!

ChickLitGurrl: high on LATTES & WRITING
Chocolate-caramel lattes + Women writers = ONE GREAT TIME!

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Author Versandra Kennebrew Discusses Memoir Writing @ AtBaP January 9, 2009

Filed under: All the Blog's a Page,chicklitgurrl,publicity,Shon Bacon — Shon @ 11:12 am

For the month of JANUARY, All the Blog’s a Page (AtBaP) is looking at memoir writing, and this week, we’re featuring Versandra Kennebrew, author of the memoir, Thank God for the Shelter!

For January, I asked the following set of questions:

  • What do you think is the lure of memoirs for readers?
  • Do you think there is a bit of egotism on the part of the writer who focuses on memoirs as a means to “tell stories”?
  • Why did you, as writer, feel compelled to write your story
  • Why did you feel compelled to share this story with others?

Versandra began her explanation to the questions by stating, “The lure of memoirs for readers is the same as that of reality shows. People want to know what’s really going on in the lives of our leaders, celebrities, and heroes. They want to know the good, the bad, and the ugly because it helps them see that they too have a chance at greatness.”

To read the rest of Versandra Kennebrew’s thoughts on memoirs and to read a small snippet from her book, head to All the Blog’s a Page!

ALL THE BLOG’S A PAGE (AtBaP) – Where everything relates to writing
